New Report Generation Features

At Tahometer, we’re on a mission to be the best work time tracker with instant reporting in town, which is why we would like to announce a whole host of exciting features that should be reaching you in early 2022. So grab a coffee, take a seat and let’s crack on with our latest updates!

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If you are already a Tahometer user, you will of course be familiar with our existing scheduled reports feature, but we’re about to make some incredible improvements:

Taho cat at main report page

Say hello to our brand new Activity Reports page — and to Taho, our new mascot cat!

Generate Reports from Selected Filters

To start things off, our developers are hard at work implementing a seriously noteworthy feature that will enable you to generate reports through filters you are probably already familiar with. These include Projects, Date, Time Zone and Users. Our goal is to make generating reports in Tahometer more efficient and easier than before, so you will also notice a Period dropdown menu. Here, you should be able to select a daily, weekly or monthly time period to automatically highlight dates in the calendar. Just make sure you choose the right start date on the calendar as well, select a project title of your choice and the filters you would like to employ, hit Create and then hey, presto!

Create report

Easily Share Reports

You might also have spotted a new Email field, and we’re particularly excited to announce this feature. In a nutshell, when generating new reports, you can type in any email address you want and Tahometer will automatically generate it and instantly share it with the selected recipient. Note that this email address does not have to belong to a Tahometer account and is not limited to within your organization. This means that you can share reports with whomever you like, wherever in the world they may be!

We’ve also made it incredibly simple to access this sharing feature from within the Activity Reports page: just click on the arrow button (i.e. the second icon under “Actions” on the right). The other available actions are Export, Edit and Delete.

Share report

More Flexible Recurring Reports

Though in the past, you could already schedule recurring reports on a weekly or monthly basis, we’re currently implementing shiploads of flexibility. This is why our crown jewel in the next release will be our revamped recurring reports feature. In fact, very soon, not only will you be able to share recurring reports with selected email addresses, select new filters and report frequency options, but you will also be able to preview reports before saving, scheduling or exporting them. Note the option to export reports to different file formats as well:

Create scheduled report

And here goes our preview page for your viewing pleasure. Please remember that this is a one-time sneak peek, so when navigating away from the page, you will lose it if you choose to take no further action.

Report preview

New Report Subscription Options

You will soon also be able to quickly unsubscribe from reports. In order to do this, simply navigate to your user Settings, where you will find all the reports you are subscribed to. From here, you can choose which reports you no longer need — which may be some of them or all of them if you’d like. It is important to mention, however, that should you unsubscribe from a recurring report, the manager or administrator who created the report will be notified regarding your decision. 

Similarly, non-Tahometer users are also getting new subscription options from within their Tahometer report emails. To unsubscribe, all they have to do is click on the link at the end of the email and they will be taken to the same subscription page.

Greater Report Privacy

Finally, we are greatly boosting our report security, so any reports that you choose to set up will be treated with utmost confidentiality and as a result will never be visible to anyone other than their intended recipients.

Get Ready for the New Tahometer

As always here at Tahometer, we love to spoil you with new functionality, but we strive to do so with your needs in mind. After all, our goal is to create the perfect time tracker and timesheet application, so we would love to hear what you think about these updates! With that in mind, feel free to leave us a comment with all your thoughts and any helpful suggestions. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Your favourite work time tracker Tahometer.

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