Tahometer Reloaded

Welcome to our new blog!

Over the last several months, we have worked tirelessly to bring you Tahometer 3.0, the new and improved version of our work time tracker (If you haven’t downloaded it yet, by the way, upgrade here for free. It’s hot and fresh from the oven). You would think that after spending so much time cooking up this release, we’d have earned the right to chill at a day spa in Tahiti! But alas, behind the scenes, the show does go on.

Meet New Tahometer Team


We hope this blog will bring you closer to us as we continue to plan and develop the future of your favorite work hours tracker. Here are some things you can expect from it:

  • Nifty life hacks
  • Cool reviews
  • Expert advice
  • Our latest updates
  • Relevant news for remote teams


Oh, and hopefully you’re not supposed to be working right now, by the way, ’cause trust us, if your boss uses our time tracking software, he’ll definitely find out!

Tahometer Development Team


So what else is new?

We have a brand new creative team, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Designer Nadia, for instance, the prodigy behind our beautiful new user interface, practically single-handedly delivered the masterpiece that is Tahometer’s new desktop UI. Here is what she had to say:

“Working on Tahometer may be challenging, but it is also great fun! I have to try to create something new out of a design that many people already loved. The agent’s UI is more like a group project, though. Everyone pitches in with their ideas and I just pick the best ones. I’m always shooting for the sort of time tracking app I would like to use, and that continues to be my goal now, as I work to redesign the statistics page.”



Nadia certainly isn’t wrong about the gifted team we’ve got over here. Project Manager Elena is another gem of ours. She spends so much time with Tahometer, the Agent now makes regular appearances in her dreams, and she has recently admitted her preference for counting work hours instead of sheep to fall asleep. These were her thoughts on our squad:

“Everyone here is incredibly passionate about this project. I use Tahometer myself and know just how powerful it can be for remote teams. There are so many useful functions a lot of people may not know about, like the included Pomodoro technique. We’re really all about creating features that will be beneficial for all our users.”

Take a break 🙂 It’s time for fun


Full steam ahead

Moving forward, we have nothing but ambitious plans for the future of Tahometer, and we’re glad you’ve decided to join us for the ride. These are some of the things you can expect from us fairly soon, though:


  • New website
  • Redesigned statistics page
  • Helpful new functions and tracking modes


But of course, none of these fantastic updates would be possible without our incredible users, so a special shout-out goes out to you. Thanks for sticking with us and keeping us inspired throughout Tahometer’s development.

Our Tahometer Dream Team

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  • You’re awesome 🙂

    jeff 8 years ago Reply

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